
Immune System Comic Strip Project

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Hmm. Something went wrong. We will take a await as presently every bit nosotros tin.

 - Dilbert by Scott Adams

Tags #Dilbert, #Dogbert, #Frank, #eddy, #self-esteem, #damaged, #immune system

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Dilbert and Dogbert walk down the sidewalk. A man walking in the other management says, "Howdy, Dilbert." Dilbert says, "Hello, Frank." The man says, "My name is Eddy, not Frank." Dilbert replies, "Oh . . . Correct. Sorry, Boil." Dilbert thinks, "This is so embarrassing." Boil says, "Forgetting somebody's name is the worst insult in the earth." Eddy continues, "At present my cocky-esteem has been damaged. My job operation volition drib accordingly, and I'll be fired." Eddy shivers and says, "The stress is starting to affect my immune arrangement. I'k getting a cold." Dogbert holds out his manus and says, "I'thousand Dogbert. Nice to run across y'all, Frank."

Spreading Virus

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Hmm. Something went wrong. We will take a look as presently as nosotros can.

Spreading Virus  - Dilbert by Scott Adams

Tags #coronavirus, #covid-19, #concern, #health, #spread, #face mask, #happiness, #immune system, #medical, #Advice, #dr., #manage

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dogbert: they say the best way to manage the coronavirus is to spread it to people you dislike. the happiness you get from that volition heave your allowed system. dilbert: perchance i'll become medical advice from an actual doctor. dogbert: they leave out the good stuff.

Stress Can Impale You

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Hmm. Something went wrong. We will take a expect as soon as we tin.

Stress Can Kill You - Dilbert by Scott Adams

Tags #business, #coronavirus, #cortisol, #dead man walking, #depress, #fear, #immune, #increase, #scared, #social distancing, #system, #virus, #health

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dogbert: you take nil to fear from the coronavirus merely fear itself. obviously, the fright volition increase your cortisol levels and depress your immune system then the virus tin can finish you off. dilbert visually shaken: now i'm scared. dogbert pointing: dead man walking!

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Hmm. Something went wrong. We volition accept a look as soon as we can.

 - Dilbert by Scott Adams

Tags #the boss, #Dilbert, #Dogbert, #ted, #alice, #award, #co workers

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The Boss and Dilbert stand up in front of a room of people. The Dominate says, "The award for best omnipresence goes to Dilbert." Dilbert says, "I'd similar to give thanks the people who fabricated this possible." Dilbert continues, "First, I'd like to give thanks the women in the visitor who have rejected me over the years . . ." Dilbert continues, "Because of them I have no germ-riddled children to infect me." Dilbert continues, "And cheers to my co-workers for never telling me about important meetings, thus keeping my germ exposure to a minimum." Dilbert continues, "And thanks to my boss for never assigning a project of import enough to induce stress and weaken my immune system." Dilbert continues, "But what makes this accolade special is that each of you had to get sick in order for me to win." Dilbert arrives at home and says, "When you have your health, yous accept everything, Dogbert." Dogbert replies, "No, yous also have to celebrate."

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Hmm. Something went wrong. We volition take a look equally soon as we can.

 - Dilbert by Scott Adams

Tags #complaining, #listening, #small talk

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Dominate: How'due south work? Dilbert: Well, since you asked... it's like being trapped in a garbage compactor and no one can hear me scream. All my hopes and dreams accept died, along with my immune organization and my dignity. The just thing keeping me live is that food tastes proficient. I tried to escape into my imagination, simply I learned I don't have one. My life has no meaning. Each second is a tiresome-motion ordeal. Why do I get the feeling you weren't listening to whatever of that? Boss:My day was skilful too.

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Hmm. Something went wrong. We volition take a look as shortly as we can.

 - Dilbert by Scott Adams

Tags #groceries & grocery stores, #natural disasters, #saving & investment, #consummate meltdown, #fiscal organization, #six months, #Nutrient, #h2o, #batteries, #gold coins, #calorie-free on defensive weapontry, #poly peptide confined, #money

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Dilbert: I'm preparing for the consummate meltdown of our financial system. I've got six months of food and water. I have batteries, flashlights, and gilt coins. Alice: I'm gear up too. I have your dwelling house address. And I noticed that your preparations are calorie-free on defensive weaponry. Can you add together some protein bars to the shopping list?

Immune System Comic Strip Project,


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